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Social media dos and don’ts for small businesses

Running a small business can be a challenging task. Especially if you are micromanaging everything, making a strong social media presence might not be on top of your priority list. As social media is here to stay, adding it to your marketing strategy can help you in connecting with potential customers. When used properly, social media has the power to give your business a competitive edge and significantly increase your sales.

While many small business owners know the multiple advantages of social media, many do not know how to approach these platforms for guaranteed success. To get the most out of your social media pages, you need to learn different tactics and leverage the use of various social media platforms. Whether you are planning to start a new social media page or want to improve your existing social media marketing strategies, here is a list of dos and don’ts that will help you in creating an effective social media presence for your small business.


1. Set realistic goals

Setting realistic goals will not only add value to your social media strategy but also give you a vision. Based on your industry, you can have different expectations from your social media presence. Whether you want to increase your brand awareness, improve website traffic or increase sales conversions, understanding your goals will help you in establishing a strategy. Setting specific, realistic, and measurable goals will further make it easier for you to track your progress and recognize the improvements needed in your social media strategy.

2. Know your audience

Before you start posting content on social media, take time to know your audience. By knowing about the demographics, interests, and preferences of your audience you can create engaging and relatable content. Brands that take a keen interest in the needs of their audiences often outperform their competitors by creating innovative products and engaging social media content. As more than 54% of internet users use different social media networks to discover new products, services, and brands, knowing your audience will help you in building a loyal following.

3. Use appealing graphics

Due to the growing number of businesses trying to attract customers on social media, it becomes difficult for new businesses to gain the attention of their audience. However, with proper use of graphics, you can instantly impress your audience. Experts believe that the visuals and images take lesser time to spread a message as compared to text.

Additionally, posting appealing graphics can help you in improving your engagement with your audience. To establish a bond with your audience, try to create original visuals for all your social media posts. If you don’t have a social media team, you can use online tools to add a creative touch to your social media posts.

4. Post diverse content

Audiences prefer to interact with brands that post diverse content. For example, if you are posting only still images, try to add videos, reels, GIFs, stories or live videos to your social media page. Based on the type of social network, use formats that work best with the audience. As posting diverse content makes social media profiles more accessible and inclusive, it can be an easy way to boost your reach.

5. Engage with your audience

Engagement is a crucial factor that defines the success of any social media strategy. By creating engaging posts, you can encourage your audience to interact with your brand. Encouraging two-way conversations with your audience you can give them an open platform to freely discuss their concerns, know about your product and report any issues. This will increase your brand’s credibility and help you in developing a trustworthy relationship with your customers.

6. Publish your reviews 

Small businesses often have a targeted audience base with specific needs and requirements. Getting feedback from your existing customers can play a major role in strengthening your social media presence. Customer reviews work the same as word of mouth and give the audience social proof of your products and services. Publishing your reviews can attract potential customers and influence their purchase decision.


1. Share without researching

Many small businesses find it tempting to post content frequently to engage with their audience. However, instead of looking at the number of your posts, focus on the quality of your social media posts. If you want to repost something that you found online, research to check the authenticity of the content.

Similarly, rather than following any social media trend, check if it will help you in achieving your goals. Your posts tell a lot about your brand’s personality. So, take time to evaluate the content and the authenticity of questionable sources.

2. Delete negative reviews

Social media is a platform where customers have the liberty to share their thoughts and opinions about a business. While many of your customers will praise your products and services, some might not be satisfied with your work. If any of your customers leave a negative review on your social media posts, do not delete or ignore those comments.

Take negative feedback sportingly and try to understand the concerns of your customers. To win the hearts of your customers, you can offer suggestions to improve your products and services. This will show that you value your customers and are prepared to adapt to changes to fulfill their needs.

3. Post inconsistently

Many small businesses unknowingly span their social media feed by posting inconsistent and irrelevant content. This results in unintentional spamming and negatively affects the brand personality. The posting schedule often depends on the type of business, industry, audience, and social media platform. Ideally, small businesses can post two or three times per week on Facebook and LinkedIn. On the other hand, Instagram and Twitter can be used regularly to share stories and updates about your business. To make a strong digital presence, start slowly and pay attention to the quality of your content.

4. Stuff your posts with hashtags

While hashtags are important in increasing the visibility of social media posts, using too many hashtags can make your profile appear unappealing. Thus, instead of using multiple irrelevant hashtags, use a few hashtags that describe your content and will inspire the audience to visit your social media profile.

5. Ignore grammar

Although it is ok to make small grammatical mistakes in your social media posts, completely ignoring the grammar is likely to have a negative impact on your brand’s personality. Posting content with spelling mistakes can also ruin your credibility with the audience. While writing a caption for your post, make sure to proofread before posting. Avoiding the use of all capital letters, slang, irrelevant hashtags and flashy emojis will make your business appear professional and authentic.

6. Obsess the number of followers

Instead of focusing on getting more followers, pay attention to establishing long-term connections with the audience that is more likely to get converted into customers. Having a few genuine followers is better than having thousands of fake followers. Organically increasing the reach of your social media pages will help you in pushing your audience into the sales funnel. You can also use it to track your social media progress and evaluate your conversion rate.

Final thoughts

No matter how challenging it seems, social media can be a game-changer in your marketing strategy. A well-defined social media strategy is crucial for the success of any small business. It will not only help you in building reliable relationships with your customers but also boost your sales.

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