Blog strategy for sustainable content marketing success  

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There is no gainsaying that content marketing is the foundation on which many brands’ marketing strategies are built. It involves the creation and distribution of different types of informative and entertaining content to an audience with the goal of attracting, converting, and keeping them as clients. Different kinds of content are used in content creation. They include written, video, audio, and more. Among the kinds of content, brands and content marketers mostly use written content to indirectly market their products/services. 

There are different forms of written content. They include articles, case studies, e-mails, infographics, e-books, blog posts, and white papers. Among these forms, blog posts happen to be one that is mostly embraced by brands. Blogs account for about 86% of the content used for available for marketing today. This is heavily brought about the relative affordability of blog posts, among other reasons. 

Utilizing blog content for sustainable content marketing success is a feasible feat; all you need is the right approach. By incorporating the steps and processes outlined below into your blog content creation and distribution, you would definitely get a high success rate. 

Goal Setting 

The importance of setting goals in any project cannot be overemphasized. There is a need to know where you are going and to measure your progress as you approach your goals. There is no strategy without an endgame; hence, it is important to have a specific target when embarking on a blog content strategy.

When asked what exactly they aim to achieve by embarking on content marketing, many brand owners give replies like “I just want to make sales” or “I would like to get new leads.” Albeit right to want to improve your business, it is better to have a specific goal. This helps you to plan effectively and increases the chances of making progress. 

Be Knowledgeable About Your Target Audience

Content marketing is a form of inbound marketing. Hence, it is aimed at gathering valid leads and turning them into long term conversions. One important step towards achieving this is knowing your buyer persona. A buyer persona is a fictional character who is a representation of the average person in your target audience. This unreal person is basically your target audience in one character, created for simplification. There are many benefits involved in creating and identifying an ideal buyer persona. They include personalized brand experience, identification of high-value leads, cross-marketing alignment, personalized brand experience, and better customer segmentation.  

Experts propose the following steps towards identifying/creating your buyer persona: 

  • Take data from existing customers/leads. 
  • Gather buyer persona data from research.
  • Match the buyer persona with the right marketing tactics. 

If you know your target audience, you are one step closer to creating a blog content strategy that is sure to continuously generate leads and conversions, even in the long run.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 

SEO is one of the foundations on which blog content marketing is built today. It is an effective means of creating blogs that will attract the right audience. It is a means of increasing the quality and quantity of traffic that is directed to your site. 

There are many areas and processes in SEO. Concerning blog content, keyword usage is the most popular and arguably the most important. Keyword usage provides a framework through which blog content writers incorporate certain relevant words into their blog posts. Because these words are relevant to the topic, blog readers will be able to find the blog posts by running a simple internet search. For instance, when writing a blog on “How to Run Faster,” a content writer would include words associated with running such as cadence, pace, breathing, speed, and more. 

Based on this, keywords should be created according to what people are likely to type in the internet search box concerning the topic. 

Outsourcing Labor 

If you run a sole proprietorship, writing your own content might prove to be a herculean task. In this situation, outsourcing your content writing and creation might just be the best thing to do. There are many freelance sites through which you can find good content writers and creators such as Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer. 

Finding great writers on freelance sites might not be very easy. It is important to conduct interviews and hand out test assignments to ensure that a freelancer is skilled enough for the job. 

Divide Blog Content Writing Among Members of Staff 

Many startups have regular meetings with their members of staff in which ideas are generated for content creation. When everyone comes together to rub minds, the results tend to be better. Some brands go as far as dividing the work of content writing among different members of staff in the company. It is also a good idea if adequate incentives are provided to encourage employees.  

Employ a Content creator. 

Employing the services of a full-time in-house content creator can be very advantageous for your business. Creating blog content, as opposed to what a lot of people might think, usually requires skill and experience. Content creators have these because they are trained in the field. They also know the market and have the skill to write compelling blogs to influence the target audience and increase your brand’s audience. 

Having a content creator/writer that is solely dedicated to your brand goes a long way in increasing the quality of your blog posts. If you have a brand that is looking to create content that most people are not exposed to, hiring a freelancer may not be the best choice. Freelancers would have to research and produce blog posts based on how little they know. But if you have a content writer/creator who is well versed in your specific field, they would be more knowledgeable about the type of blog content to put out.

For many brands, this idea is not very feasible as a result of a lack of funds. So, they tow the path of hiring freelancers and dividing the content creation and writing among employees – an approach that can also yield good results. 

Curating Other Brands’ Content 

Going through the process of identifying the ideal buyer persona and determining your target audience might be a task that you do not yet have the resources for. As a matter of fact, many startups do not go through the process of determining their buyer persona by themselves. They simply take a peek at the blog content of other brands and make their own content based on those ideas. There is more than one approach to creating blog content based on curation. Some brands read up on the ideas they get from other brands and simply create their own original content from it. Others, however, use backlinks and refer to the original sites in almost every sentence of their blog post. Furthermore, some brands incorporate both strategies.  

It is important to beware of plagiarism while curating blog content from other brands. In the process of producing curated blog content, you should cite authority and provide backlinks where and when due. Also, note that content curation is a sort of last resort. If you can afford to go through the processes described above, it is expedient to do so. 

Create Quality Content 

There are many factors to incorporate in the creation of quality content; many of them have been mentioned above. This heading is in reference to the outline of your blog posts; how your blogs should look for maximum comprehension by readers. Good blog content involves facts. It is extremely important to verify that what you put out for public consumption is true. 

Furthermore, you should pay attention to compartmentalization. While writing, there is every chance that you get confused and arrange ideas wrongly. It is always advisable to effectively divide your work into sections such as paragraphs, headings, lists, and more. This enables both the reader and writer to understand the blog post better. Professional writers in the dissertation writing services uk industry posit that it is expedient to pay attention to this area while writing blog posts. 


Creating a blog strategy for sustainable marketing success is the goal of the average startup/brand. Blog content has been known to create positive results for many brands and it can do the same for yours if you incorporate the steps above. Note that it is going to take some time before your blog content marketing begins to yield leads and conversions. Also, I advise that you incorporate different approaches to your blogging for maximum results. 

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  1. Blog content has been known to create positive results for many brands and it can do the same for yours if you incorporate the steps above game guides

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