7 best practices for curating evergreen content on social media

You’ve created a social media marketing strategy‌ — ‌one that’s sure to keep your audience engaged and interested in your brand.

In your posts, you provide value to your followers, sharing industry updates, company events, flash sales and limited offers, user-generated content (UGC), and live webinars.

These are all great social media content ideas. But there’s one problem: they’re not evergreen.

Having a variety of content to share on your social media profiles is great, but only if you add evergreen posts to the mix.

What Is Evergreen Social Media Content?

Evergreen content is content that’s always relevant to your target audience. They can consume the content years after you first share it and still get value from it.

This type of content stays relevant and fresh, regardless of when you publish it, bringing traffic to your website for many years to come.

To truly understand the value of sharing evergreen content on social media, think about what happens when you only share time-sensitive pieces of content like events, promotions, or news.

These types of posts are only relevant at the moment. In the future, when someone browses through your company’s social media profiles, they may enjoy looking at the older posts, but can they gain true value from them? Probably not.

Those special offers have expired.

That product your customers were showcasing in UGC is no longer available on your website.

That live webinar on the latest industry trends was from last year. New trends have since emerged.

7 Tips for Creating Evergreen Content for Social Media

Here are seven simple tips for creating evergreen content that you can count on for the long run.

1. Repurpose Evergreen Blog Content

You may have quite a few blog posts (read: evergreen articles) on your website that share valuable tips and tricks, pointers, and step-by-step tutorials that’ll always be valuable to readers.

Repurpose those evergreen pieces that drive organic traffic and post them on social media.

Choose the blogs you want to repurpose. Make sure they’re interesting, informative, and, most importantly, timely. You might also look for ones that have generated a lot of traffic and feedback, which is a pretty good indicator of the value you’ve provided.

Cut down the blog posts you’ve chosen into shorter forms and consider the character limit on each social media platform.

To generate intrigue, you could even write a snippet from the blog and share the link, leaving a cliffhanger that makes your audience want to learn more.

For example, this X (formerly Twitter) update by Comcast Business links to their informative blog about AIOps with a compelling CTA.

You can also repurpose your blog content into videos by creating scripts. This not only provides your audience with a visual representation of your written blogs, but it also presents a great opportunity to create social-media-friendly evergreen content. Plus, scripts work wonders in search engines.

To create a script, use the headings, bullet points, important quotes, and stats in your article as a guide to help you decide on the key points to cover in your video.

After creating a script, shoot a video. Upload it to YouTube and share the link in a social media post. Or break the video into clips to create short-form video content for TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram.

2. Post “Did You Know?” Questions

Engage your social media audience by revealing interesting and little-known facts.

There are many ways to go about this. For example, you can choose a blog post on your website, find an interesting stat, and turn it into a “did you know” statement.

You can also use Google to find interesting facts in your industry to create evergreen social media updates.

Pro tip: Compile a handful of “did you know” status updates and add them to an Excel file to use when you need to.

3. Identify Evergreen Topics

Think about different evergreen topics to share on social media. Consider starting with about five to six categories and then gradually increasing them over time.

Different evergreen social media content topics might include:

  • Your services: Promote your product(s) and/or services(s). In your posts, pose a problem your target audience may be having. Then, tease how your product can solve this. Include a link to your product page for your audience to learn more.
  • Free resources: Share free ebooks, case studies, how-to guides, checklists, toolkits, brochures, infographics, and/or videos that address your potential customers’ pain points.
  • FAQs: Create comprehensive FAQ pages to address your audience’s most common questions. Link to these pages in your social media posts.
  • Customer testimonials: Highlight customer testimonials, case studies, reviews, and feedback to showcase the positive experiences customers have had with your brand.

You can also include enticing CTAs in social media posts that link to your evergreen content. Here are a few simple examples:

  • Subscribe to our email newsletter
  • Listen to our latest podcast
  • Read our latest blog post
  • Donate to our nonprofit

Because most of these content categories are promotional, they don’t change much over time. This makes them a great option for evergreen content.

Check out how HR software company Insperity adds an insightful tidbit on recruitment and shares its free resource about attracting top talent.

4. Post Evergreen Visuals

You can never go wrong with visual social media posts.

Consider these stats about visual content:

  • Visual content is 40x more likely to be shared on social media.
  • Infographics can increase website traffic by 12%.
  • Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than those without.
  • 75% of marketers include visual content in their social media posts.
  • Infographics are shared 3x more on social media.
  • Visual content is 43% more persuasive than text alone.

Images, graphics, and videos perform so well because they provide a visual representation of the points and concepts you want to convey.

And when those visuals portray a timeless idea or topic, they become the perfect addition to an evergreen social media content strategy.

So, when sharing evergreen posts on social media, be sure to include an image or design a graphic that supports your message.

5. Share Relevant Book Quotes

A good book is bound to generate an interesting discussion. A lot of your potential customers probably enjoy curling up with a book from time to time.

So, why not capitalize on this evergreen content opportunity for content creation? If you love to read, mention some of your favorite book quotes in your social media updates.

These types of posts not only have great evergreen potential, but they also give you a chance to connect with your audience on a more personal level.

Sharing something that means something to you reminds them that you’re more than just a brand trying to promote itself. You’re a person who’s looking to engage with your audience and enjoy a thoughtful discussion.

If you want, you can still make a connection to your products, brand, or industry and link to your website or blog. Even by doing this, you’re still providing value to your audience without being overly promotional.

6. Ask Open-Ended Questions

Social media is all about engagement. And questions are effective in building this engagement because they’re great conversation starters.

When you include questions in your social media posts, you’re encouraging your audience to engage in discussion, posting their thoughtful answers.

But to be evergreen, your questions should be relevant and valuable to your audience regardless of what’s on Google trends or time-specific events.

You can get pretty creative in the questions you ask. And they don’t have to be related to your business or niche. For example, you could ask:

  • What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done, and would you do it again?
  • What is a funny childhood memory that always brings a smile to your face?
  • What’s your favorite pizza topping?

Asking open-ended questions that get your audience talking helps build consistent engagement, allowing people to continuously contribute to posts regardless of changing trends or seasons.

Take a look at how Redbox intertwines its movie streaming capabilities with an engaging question to its audience about their favorite scary movie. It does this all while sharing the news that Scream is streaming on-demand.

7. Share Timeless Tips and Advice

Tips and tricks make for timeless content that your audience can always refer to when they need help with something.

For example, imagine that you run a local plumbing business. You can share tips that homeowners can follow to prevent future plumbing problems.

In one evergreen social media post, you might provide homeowners with pointers on how they can check their faucets, pipes, and toilets for leaks. You might even include a video showing how to do it step by step.

Another content idea could be a series of posts called “X things that are ruining your home’s plumbing.”

This involves listing what homeowners should never do to their plumbing, such as never pouring oil, grease, or starches down the drain.

In each post, you can include images portraying each point and overlay it with clear, legible text stating what to avoid.

Here’s an example:

Hims, a wellness brand, is another example of a company that crafts helpful, evergreen social media content. The screenshot below shows an Instagram reel offering tips for people dealing with DHT hair loss.

About 85% of men and one-third of women will experience hair loss at some point. It’s a more widespread issue than often perceived. So, as people continuously seek solutions, these tips remain relevant and in demand.

Final Words

Timely content is content your audience can consume no matter what day, year, month, or week it is.

This is a valuable content marketing strategy for social media because people want to engage as much as possible. And only posting content with a limited shelf life can take away from that.

So, get ready to create high levels of engagement no matter the season and generate consistent traffic to your website by sharing always-trendy social media content.

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